The much-anticipated Netizens film premiered at the 2018’s Tribeca Film Festival this Sunday, April 22nd! The all-female crew was excited hit the red carpet this past weekend in support of this timely and impactful documentary. Rolling Stone as one of the 20 movies listed it they couldn’t wait to see at this year’s fest!

Director Cynthia Lowen follows our very own Carrie Goldberg, as well as Feminist Frequency founder, Anita Sarkeesian, and harassment victim Tina Reine, to powerfully depict the life-altering consequences of abuse largely conducted online.

We watch Carrie handle the case of a client who was the target of impersonating accounts on Craigslist. The accounts solicited sex and directed strangers to her job. Reine’s story is also devastating; she deals with the fallout of an ex’s discriminatory screed that effectively derails her impressive and lucrative career. Finally, Anita Sarkeesian opens the door to the cruelty she endures every. single. day as an opinionated woman in gaming.

After the screening, Lowen, Carrie, Anita, and Tina  participated in a Q&A moderated by journalist Lauren Duca who has also had her own experience with online harassment.