We added a new practice area on our website: blackmail, extortion, and public humiliation. This has always been a core part of our practice, but never given proper real estate on our website until now.

Many of our clients are at the peak of very successful and public careers when somebody destructive enters their life and sees our clients’ success as a bargaining chip for blackmail and extortion. Enter us. We are experts at making these bad actors go away forever and in protecting our clients’ valuable reputation while it’s happening. In cases where our clients already have trusted lawyers, we bring our expertise to the team. In addition to our excellent lawyers, we have a team of highly skilled operators we can dispatch at a moment’s notice. They include military trained cyber-intelligence investigators, private investigators, search engine suppressors. If you are not sure if you’ve been attacked, we can do open source intelligence and figure that out. We have special software to archive anything on the web so that it’s admissible in court. We also have relationships with every major social media company and search engine. So if malicious content already is on the Internet, we just pick up the phone.