Firm Victories: Tech Abuse Order of Protection

C.A. Goldberg, PLLC attorney Annie Seifullah demonstrates tech-forward, victim-centered lawyering on behalf of a client suffering tech-facilitated harassment at the hands of their ex-partner.

This former partner was weaponizing mainstream social media platforms to non-consensually distribute harassing images and videos of our client and using private images and videos to threaten them.

Annie secured a family court order of protection that specifically and effectively included clauses about tech abuse so that when the offender targeted our client online – claiming it was his freedom of speech right to “speak out about her” – we ensured the courts found that he was, in fact, terrorizing her and that they rightfully applied criminal and civil liability for doing so.

Criminal prosecution was possible because the family court order of protection specifically stated that the offender was prohibited from posting about the client. His subsequent posts became the basis of one of the criminal charges against him.

The Judge noted during sentencing that targeted harassment is one of the worst things you can do to someone in this day and age, describing the psychological damage that can be caused by the weaponization of mainstream social media platforms that currently do not have effective guardrails in place to curb abuse.

This case is a testament to the power of orders of protection as a legal tool in the hands of a highly effective and experienced attorney.

We are now seeking to recoup legal fees on behalf of our client.