Critical Issues Forum – Technology-Facilitated Abuse and Intimate Partner Violence: February 14, 2023
Join C.A. Goldberg, PLLC associate Hannah Meropol for a critical issues event with the Battered Women’s Justice Project and the National Center on Protection Orders and Full Faith & Credit (NCPOFFC).
On February 14, 2023, at 2 PM EST, Hannah Meropol, Esq will discuss the intersection of technology-facilitated abuse and intimate partner violence from a legal perspective. The presentation will broadly define the universe of digital abuse and how it can uniquely affect those experiencing intimate partner violence. The discussion will include guidance on how to best address these unique challenges to support survivors, with particular emphasis on protective orders and image-based abuse.
Advocates, victims support services, law enforcement and legal professionals are welcome to attend.
Registration is required to participate in the discussion. Bring your questions or submit them in advance through the discussion board.