Just like the many, many stalking offenders our firm has dealt with, Kurzysnki wished to inflict as much emotional torment as he could on his targets through a terrifyingly patient stalking campaign that was relentless and inventive in its cruelty. He pled guilty today, an outcome we attribute to our firm’s collaboration with the dedicated investigators and lawyers at the Department of Justice who we work with regularly to get our clients’ offenders arrested and thrown in jail. 

Our client is at the tail-end of a hellish experience, so we ask that the press respect his privacy at this time.

However, we do want to reiterate the DOJ’s call in its press release on this matter – if you think you are the victim of stalking, seek legal help. Do not let someone else’s sadistic obsession disrupt your life. You deserve a future free of another person’s anger.

Read the full press release from the Department of Justice here.