Annie Seifullah was a brainy and dedicated principal working in Queens when her ex-boyfriend attacked her reputation and sexual privacy on a devastatingly public scale.

Instead of standing by her as she endured intimate partner abuse, her employer, the New York City Department of Education, chose to punish her instead. This past April, our firm filed a gender discrimination lawsuit against the NYC Dept, of Ed for facilitating her ex-boyfriend’s scheme.

The fact that New York state does not have a non-consensual pornography law makes it incredibly difficult for Annie to get justice. But her clear-eyed resolve to use her voice and her experience to demonstrate exactly why New York state needs a revenge porn law keeps our eyes on the goal – passing a revenge porn bill that actually helps victims.

Read and share Annie’s piece, “Revenge Porn Took My Career. The Law Couldn’t Get It Back” in Jezebel.

If you feel as though your employer punished you for being the victim of sexual assault, rape, or a privacy violation, we can help. Call our firm at 646-666-8908 or use the contact form here to have a 10-minute intake call with our Client Relations Coordinator.