Katie Brennan

Katie Brennan

Head of Legislation and Policy

Katie Brennan joined the team in Spring 2024 as our Head of Legislation and Policy. A passionate public servant with a national track record in changemaking, Katie champions governance grounded in equity, efficiency, and efficacy. Committed to delivering results, Katie counts legislation in New York, New Jersey, and the federal level among her victories. After being sexually assaulted, a harrowing journey with the justice system, she publicly called for reform in the WSJ. This led to legislative hearings, dozens of reforms, and a program to provide services to low-income survivors in Hudson County. She remains delusionally optimistic that justice will prevail.

Katie is currently working tirelessly on the following: Youth Poisoning Protection Actsunsetting Section 230, and the recently introduced 21st Century Anti-Stalking bill (currently called the CREEP Act).

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