Plotting and scheming with the Vassar Feminist Alliance Steering Committee

Plotting and scheming with the Vassar Feminist Alliance Steering Committee

Last week marked the beginning of my collaboration with the Vassar Feminist Alliance in our shared goal of outlawing revenge porn.  Please steal our ideas! This is what we have in mind:

1) Calling a meeting of the general body of the Vassar Feminist Alliance and educating them about revenge porn and the harms;

2) Designation of Revenge Porn as Vassar’s focus during Sexual Assault Awareness Month, i.e. April;

3) Online and offline petitions to ultimately be sent to NYS lawmakers;

4) Organizing letter and email blasts to NYS lawmakers;

5) Organizing letter and email blasts specifically to NYS lawmakers on the “Women’s Committee;”

6) Finding current Vassar students originally from other parts of NYS and encouraging them to contact their law makers (since law makers are more receptive to constituents from their immediate area);

7) Phone banking during legislators’ hours;

8) Op-eds in local newspapers;

9) Recruiting collabs with other likeminded Vassar student orgs;

10) Gently encouraging Vassar students who identify as victims of revenge porn to come forward (anonymously is fine) and get involved; establishing method for these individuals to come forward discretely;

11) Going nuts on social media;

12) Recording all aspects of this process and develop toolkit for other schools in NYS and other states to use to help get criminal laws passed around the country.  (Submit to for potential publication on website)

11) Contacting Feminist Alliances at other schools nearby and beyond and demanding that they they do what we’re doing.

12) Celebrating when revenge porn is illegal here in NYS and everywhere!

Shouts to the brain trust at Vassar’s Feminist Alliance:  Ellie Vamos, Kayla Neumeyer, Sara Cooley, Willow Carter, and Elsa Stoff.  Also thanks to the Cyber Civil Rights Initiative for generously letting us use their artwork and branding.  And hugs to my niece, Shi Jian Hong, for the hours she spent creating the label template of our 200+ lawmakers’ mailing addresses.  Anybody who wants these addresses or a Word doc with all NYS lawmakers’ email addresses, contact me at