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We believe
if somebody hurt you,
somebody must pay

We Are Cutting edge litigators against big tech and powerful predators at work, home, school, and online

C.A. Goldberg, PLLC, is the country’s first law firm dedicated to justice for victims catastrophically injured by human maniacs and inhumane tech platforms.  Since 2014, we’ve been at the forefront shutting down some of the worst humans and platforms (e.g. Harvey Weinstein, Omegle, GirlsDoPorn) and have litigated some of the most influential cases – against Amazon, Snap, Meta – reining in the tech companies that thought they were above the law.

Get in Touch

We fight a**holes, pervs, trolls,  
and big tech.

Our Favorite Adversaries

We’ve pioneered the country in suing almost every major social media platform, dating app, online retailer, and cellular phone company. We are lead counsel for 26 families with wrongful death claims against Amazon, and at the helm of a case for 90+ families suing Snap for wrongful death.

Sue Big Tech

Let’s attack the attack Fighting ahole exes, powerful predators and inhumane tech companies since 2014

Carrie Goldberg, Esq., founded the firm in 2014 with a clear mission – if somebody hurts you, somebody must pay. The firm leads the nation in pioneering litigations for survivors of tech-facilitated violence, sexual assault, image-based sexual abuse, and stalking; it was the first firm in the U.S. to tackle image-based sexual abuse, formerly known as “revenge porn,” fighting for criminal and civil laws around the country and demanding reform from search engines and social media platforms. Over the last decade, the firm has obtained groundbreaking results in Title IX cases for Black girls who reported sexual assault, been at the helm of the #MeToo movement and Harvey Weinstein’s arrest, and led the passage of state and federal laws in sextortion, deepfakes, nonconsensual pornography, and expansion of statutes of limitations for rape survivors to sue. We brought the pioneering case in 2017 suing an online platform under product liability theory, breaking new ground that has been used to rein in big tech around the country ever since.

We believe... if somebody hurt you, somebody must payyou are safe here, that POS who hurt you is not the shame must shift from victim to offenderto take care of you, we must take care of themyou aren't crazy, the situation isvictims don’t curl up in corners. They build their army, gather resources, and fight the $%^& backwe are not here to rescue you. We are your weapon so you can rescue yourself

Contact Us

Call Us (646) 666-8908